Vol. 43 (2023)

					View Vol. 43 (2023)
Published: 2023-04-27

Original Articles

  • Effect of turmeric starch, lecithin, and canola oil supplements on waffles quality

    Nguyen Minh THUY, Hong Van HAO, Le Chau Mong THU, Tran Ngoc GIAU, Vo Quoc TIEN, Ngo Van TAI, Nguyen Van THANH
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00037
  • Effect of age and sexual condition on the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat of cattle finished in feedlot

    Charles de Oliveira CARRILHO, Fernando KUSS, José Luiz MOLETTA, Luís Fernando Glasenapp de MENEZES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.77822
  • Effect of super-chilled preservation on the water-holding properties of fresh beef during storage

    Yongping WEN, Dayu LIU, Yang LLIU, Lijia LIU, Xinhui WANG
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.14823
  • Mathematical and artificial neural network modeling of hot air drying kinetics of instant “Cẩm” brown rice

    Le Thi Kim LOAN, Nguyen Minh THUY, Ngo Van TAI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.27623
  • Optimization of the extraction of bioactive compounds from Pouzolzia zeylanica using Box-Behnken experimental design and application in the preparation of mixed juice

    Nguyen Minh THUY, Nguyen Van THANH, Vo Ngoc Tuong VY, Tran Ngoc GIAU, Vo Quoc TIEN, Ngo Van TAI, Vo Quang MINH
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.27123
  • Mechanical properties and integrity of stored corn grains after continuous and intermittent drying

    Geraldo Acácio MABASSO, Valdiney Cambuy SIQUEIRA, Osvaldo RESENDE, Wellytton Darci QUEQUETO, André Luís Duarte GONELI, Elton Aparecido Siqueira MARTINS, Allan Dellon Alegre TAKAGI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.21323
  • Ten years of research on bioactive peptides in Brazil: a scientometric analysis

    Edson Flávio Teixeira da SILVA, Maria Alane Pereira BARBOSA, Thayná Alícia de Figueirêdo MARINHO, Gleidson Costa LIMA, Wellington Leal dos SANTOS, Maria Tamires Alves ESPINDOLA, Larice Bruna Ferreira SOARES, José Erick Galindo GOMES, Keila Aparecida MOREIRA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.131022
  • Multi-residue method of pesticides by UPLC-MS/MS in bivalve mollusks samples as a tool for food quality and safety

    Izabela Miranda de Castro, Lucia Helena Pinto Bastos, Marianna Ramos dos Anjos, Angélica Castanheira de Oliveira, Débora Maria S F da Costa, Maria Helena Wohlers Morelli Cardoso, Lucia Maria Jaeger de Carvalho
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.116722
  • Study on the effects of different sterilization methods and storage conditions on milk quality

    Mars Khayrullin, Maksim Rebezov
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.53421
  • Fast and nondestructive discrimination of quality level of Yongchuan Xiuya tea based on near infrared spectroscopy combined with artificial neural network algorithm

    Ying ZHANG, Jie WANG, Xiuhong WU, Hongyu LUO, Juan YANG, Yingfu ZHONG, Zhengming CHEN, Quan WU, Ze XU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.10723
  • Determination of icewine lipids by Ultra High Performance Liquid Tandem Chromatography Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

    Jing YANG, Kuaile JIANG, Peng QU, Sibo WAN, Qixiu HU, Ruzhi MAO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.94822
  • Effect of Centella asiatica Extract on Anti-obesity Suppression via Inhibition of Adipogenesis-related Gene Expression in Preadipocyte

    Ji Woo HONG, Ha Young PARK, Han A KIM, Jin Woo KIM
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.114222
  • Type I caramel products of fructose with water and their bioactivities

    Tian-Xiao LI, Jia-Le HUANG, Lei WU, Ling-Bo JI, Hong-Qian SHENTU, Bao-Jiang HE, Zhong-Rong JIANG
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.009523
  • Physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory evaluation of kefir produced from goat milk containing Lacticaseibacillus casei AP and/or oat milk during storage

    Putri Dian WULANSARI, Widodo WIDODO, Sunarti SUNARTI, Nurliyani NURLIYANI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.127322
  • Optimization of hot air drying technology for bamboo shoots by response surface methodology

    Qingfeng CAI, Zichun LI, Wenguang GENG, Fang LIU, Dongling YUAN, Rongfeng SUN, Binguang JIA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.128422
  • Evaluating the antioxidant activity in different citrus genotypes

    Gunawan Widjaja, Bakhrambek I. Mukhamedov, Trias Mahmudiono, Mohammed Nader Shalaby, Rustem Adamovich Shichiyakh, Mohammad Rudiansyah, Mohammed Khudair Hasan, Aiman Mohammed Baqir Al-Dhalimy, Abduladheem Turki Jalil
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.16022
  • The influence of particle size on the absorption rate of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) bone calcium

    Annis Catur ADI, Anna Surgean VETERINY, Wizara SALISA, Wilis Cahyaning AYU, Heni RACHMAWATI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.131822
  • Nutritional quality of chicken nuggets and Tuscan-type sausage submitted to frying in different lipid sources

    Nívea Carolina Cupini ASSUMPÇÃO, Dandara Cunha SOUZA, Wanessa Costa Silva FARIA, Sandra MARIOTTO, Attilio CONVERTI, Xisto Rodrigues de SOUZA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.075422
  • Application of blockchain technology for beverage safety in intelligent ready-made beverage machines

    Bifeng XU, Chaoxue CHEN, Chenghai LI, Lifeng SHAO, Jiao YU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.000323
  • Extraction of glucomannan from porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) with freeze-thaw cycles pre-treatment

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.1423
  • Detection and characterization of adulterants in baru and soursop oils

    Tamara Mendes Leite Silva Trindade, Carla Jovania Gomes Colares, Nelson Luis Gonçalves Dias de Souza
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.122722
  • Analysis on contamination status and dietary exposure assessment of fumonisins in cereal and oil food samples of a coastal city in northern China

    Fengguang Dong, Xueying Feng, Yiyi Zhang, Chunbo Gong, Youxia Chen, Yapeng Huo, Xige Yan, Guiqiang Wang
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.03223
  • Analysis and phytochemical profile of Amaranthus tricolor L. extract with antioxidative and antimicrobial properties

    Jinfeng Yang, Myong Jo Kim, Yong Soo Kwon, Weiling Chen, Feilong Yin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.004823
  • Polysaccharide from Angelica sinensis with medicinal and edible purposes ameliorated NAFLD by the bile acids mediated activation of FXR

    Weiliang Chen, Li Luo, Jun Xiang, Wu Yuane, Hanxiong Dan, Kaiping Wang
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.04923
  • Green synthesis of selenium nanoparticles using Azadirachta indica leaves extract: evaluation of anthelmintic and biocompatibility potential

    Maysar Abu Hawsah, Rewaida Abdel-Gaber, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Hossam M.A. Aljawdah , Saleh N. Maodaa , Esam Al-Shaebi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.13223
  • Role of Punica granatum-derived nanosilver in helminth protection

    Felwa A. Thagfan, Rewaida Abdel-Gaber, Amal M. Marey, Mohammed I. Alquraishi, Murad A. Mubaraki, Mohamed A. Dkhil
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.14123
  • Nanomineral fortification on traditional Saddah Gohoge grits

    Rahim Husain , Fernandy Djailani , Rita Marsuci Harmain
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.099122
  • Effect of enzyme compositions on the rheological properties of bread dough enriched in buckwheat flour

    Wenjun Liu, Margaret Brennan, Dawei Tu, Charles Brennan, Wei Huang
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.114322
  • Investigation of the effect of hawthorn after thermal processing on functional dyspepsia based on fecal metabolomics and gut microbiota

    Lilin Zhang, Yao Tian, Qi Liang, Chunjie Wu, Li AI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.002823
  • Development of “bisnaguinha” bread fibre source

    Juliane dos Santos Coutinho , Iris Laura Lima da Silva, Elenice Souza dos Reis Goes , Thaise Mariá Tobal
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.91422
  • Fouling threshold model of plate heat exchangers for use in the dairy industry

    Trias Mahmudiono, Gunawan Widjaja , Mustafa Z. Mahmoud , Yudi Garnida , Surendar Aravindhan, Ghulam Yasin, Usama Sami Altimari , Mustafa Kadhim, Supat Chupradit, Firas Rahi Alhachami
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.03422
  • Gut microbiota dysbiosis in rats with LPS-induced liver diseases affected by Aronia melanocarpa polyphenols

    Yanwen Kong, Dongnan Li , Xianjun Meng
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.130622
  • Contamination status and risk assessment of fifteen elements in peanuts: a case study of Shandong Province, China

    Fengguang Dong, Xueying Feng, Yapeng Huo, Tieying Ni, Peirui Xiao, Chunbo Gong, Youxia Chen, Yiyi Zhang, Shizhen Yin, Guiqiang Wang
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.107822
  • Effect of camel milk and pistachio-based product on cancer-induced sarcopenia in Sprague Dawley rats

    Asna Zahid, Tahir Zahoor, Aysha Sameen, Muhammad Naeem Faisal
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.13023
  • Formulation and quality characteristics of macaroni substituted with chickpea and banana flour

    Nguyen Minh Thuy, Tran Hai Yen, Vo Quoc Tien, Tran Ngoc Giau, Vo Quang Minh, Ngo Van Tai
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.129622
  • Flour made from cacao-soybean tempeh fermented using soybean tempeh inoculum

    Mariana WAHJUDI, Audrey Layana TJAHYADI, Christina Mumpuni ERAWATI, Johan SUKWEENADHI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.18423
  • Properties characterization of binary composite hydrogels of gellan gum and Aloe vera blended at different ratios, pH, and solid contents

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.7523
  • Changes in physicomechanical, nutritional, and sensory indicators of taro tubers at different harvest times

    Nguyen Van LOI, Pham Thi BINH, Vu Kieu SAM
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.7823
  • Nutrients in ‘Opal’ apples and key metabolites in delayed browning of their pulps were analyzed based on comparative omics

    Fang WANG, Rui LI, Yuduan DING, Jianwen TIAN, Xin SHI, Xiaolong LI LI, Rong HUANG
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.95622
  • Combined methods at low temperature to minimize quality loss in acerola and jaboticaba: immersion in CaCl2, freezing, and freeze-drying

    Rhinery Beatriz Rocha BORGES, Ana Cristina Freitas de Oliveira MEIRA, Clarissa DAMIANI, Jaime Vilela de RESENDE
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.12223
  • Extraction and nutritional characterization of baru almond (Dipteryx alata Vog.) water-soluble extract

    Herberth Diego Martins da SILVA, Fabrício Carrião dos SANTOS, Bruna Ribeiro Pontes de ANDRADE, Danielle Godinho de Araújo PERFEITO, Ana Paula Silva SIQUEIRA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.98522
  • Fermented milk supplemented with pequi oil microcapsules: effects on physicochemical properties, stability, in vitro digestion, and bioaccessibility

    Luana Carvalho da SILVA, Hilton César Rodrigues MAGALHÃES, Gabrielle Albuquerque FREIRE, Joana de Barros ALEXANDRE, Rachel Menezes CASTELO, Celli Rodrigues MUNIZ, Roselayne Ferro FURTADO, Carlucio Roberto ALVES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.101822
  • Biological activity of dried infused sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) leaf tea formulated with different milk and sugar contents

    Pathamaporn PUTSON, Bandhita WANIKORN, Sudathip SAE-TAN, Thitirat POOLSAWAT
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.130922
  • Collision-free process technology for arrayed multipoint devices in coffee machines

    Jiao YU, Chenghai LI, Chaoxue CHEN, Lifeng SHAO, Bifeng XU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.111622
  • Effect of grape seed extract on the quality of local meat product (basturma) during storage

    Yaman Saad FADHIL
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.4423
  • Effect of different spectral processing methods on the quantitative model of Astragalus polysaccharides detected by NIR spectroscopy

    Fan ZHAO, Jiawei ZHANG, Jihao ZHI, Zhaoru YAN
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.109722
  • Optimizing reaction condition of octenyl succinic anhydride on heat-moisture-treated sago starch and its application for biodegradable film

    Angela Myrra Puspita DEWI, Umar SANTOSO, Yudi PRANOTO, Djagal Wiseso MARSENO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.17523
  • Development and evaluation of extruded protein snacks added

    Karolynne Sousa GOMES, Gabrielle Fusiger BERWIAN, Caroline Balesiefer Vicenzi TIEPO, Luciane Maria COLLA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.1123
  • Development of fish hamburger with reduced sodium content using sweet passion fruit shell flour

    Iris Laura Lima da SILVA, Juliane dos Santos COUTINHO, Elenice Souza dos Reis GOES, Thaise Mariá TOBAL
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.0095522
  • Nutritional profile, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity of microalgal strain, Amphora sp., isolated from the Cape coastal waters, South Africa

    Lamees Sharlynn BEEKRUM, Eric Oscar AMONSOU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.76222
  • Cerrado cashew (Anacardium othonianum Rizz) apple pomace: chemical characterization and optimization of enzyme-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds

    Bheatriz Silva Morais de FREITAS, Isabel Cristina da Silva HAAS, Marina PEREIRA-COELHO, Adrielle Borges de ALMEIDA, Júlia dos Santos Opuski de ALMEIDA, Mariana Buranelo EGEA, Fabiano Guimarães da SILVA, Carmen Lucia de Oliveira PETKOWICZ, Alicia de FRANCISCO, Luiz Augusto dos Santos MADUREIRA, Carlise Beddin Fritzen FREIRE, Renata Dias de Mello Castanho AMBONI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.90222
  • Changes in tra catfish flesh meat (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) during refrigerator storage and the lipid properties of flesh meat

    Thuy Le Thi MINH, Nguyen Do QUYNH, Muoi NGUYEN
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.14723
  • Extraction of stem oils from Cinnamomum cassia and NMR characterization to produce nutraceuticals

    Vitor Santos RAMOS, Pedro Paulo MERAT, Gisele IULIANELLI, Eduardo Miguez SILVA, Thiago Muller Herdy BELLO, Maria Inês Bruno TAVARES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.14523
  • Effects of variable temperature drying on total flavonoids, amino acids, and antioxidative characteristics along with textural properties of germinated brown rice

    Chuang ZHU, Li YANG, Yan WU, Xiangjun SUN, Lihua SONG
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.1523
  • Optimizing the production of wheat beer by recycling the yeast biomass: perspective for cost reduction with quality maintenance

    Walter de Paula PINTO-NETO, Alice Kelly Leonardo Fernandes da SILVA, Katarynna Santos de ARAÚJO, Irapuan Oliveira PINHEIRO, Rafael Barros de SOUZA, Marcos Antonio de MORAIS JUNIOR
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.6323
  • Efficient production of fatty acids and lycopene from Gac aril by flash extraction

    Yuan LI, Zeyuan LIU, Tao XU, Chunqiao LIU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.15423
  • Evaluation on processing suitability of 17 juice orange varieties planted in three gorges reservoir area of China

    Jun WANG, Yi GAN, Gui-Jie LI, Xue-gen HUANG, An-qun TAN, Lin-hua HUANG, Ya-qin MA, Yu-Jiao CHENG, Jian-Song JIA, Teng-Hui ZHANG, Hou-jiu WU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.15323
  • Evaluation of the microwave-assisted enzymatic inactivation process of tomato pulp

    Ingrid Johana Mesa FONSECA, Ederson GUILHERME, Vivaldo SILVEIRA JUNIOR
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.8723
  • In vitro apoptotic activity of Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet low-molecular-weight peptides

    Shivon SIPAHLI, Depika DWARKA, Eric AMONSOU, John MELLEM
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.124922
  • β-Carotene and Lycopene Degradation Kinetics of Tarhana Dough During Convective Air Drying and Traditional Drying Methods

    Bedriye DAVULCU TÜMER, Ömer ŞİMŞEK, Sami Gökhan ÖZKAL
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.122822
  • Differential response of potato cultivars intended for the processing industry

    Antonia Gorete da Silva GALDINO, Ariana Mota PEREIRA, Maria Eduarda da Silva GUIMARÃES, Nícolas Oliveira de ARAÚJO, Francisca Frenna Verezza Rodrigues de AMORIM, Fernando Luiz FINGER, Mateus de Paula GOMES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.10223
  • Marine macroalgae as an alternative in the feeding of broiler quails in an environment of thermal stress

    Airton Gonçalves de Oliveira, Dermeval Araújo Furtado, Neila Lidiany Ribeiro, Jordânio Inácio Marques, Patrício Gomes Leite, Nágela Maria Henrique Mascarenhas, Ricardo de Sousa Silva, Karoline Carvalho Dornelas, Raimundo Calixto Martins Rodrigues, Alícia Nayana dos Santos Lima de Brito, Vitória Régia do Nascimento Lima, John Edson Chiodi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.116122
  • Valorisation of goldenberry calyx: ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.5623
  • Analysis of storage quality of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) meat based on sous-vide cooking

    Qing ZHAO, Hailan LI , Jun CAI, Tao LIAO, Liang QIU, Xiaoyan ZU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.26423
  • Does land use history have an influence on soil quality? A case study with agricultural lands of Rodh Mulazai, Pishin, Balochistan Pakistan

    Muhammad Tariq TARAN, Shamim GUL, Sanaullah PANEZAI, Mahrukh NASEEM, Umbreen SHAHEEN, Tariq ZIAD, Saad Ullah Khan LAHGHARI, Tasawar Ali CHANDIO, Asmatullah KAKAR, Sadiq AGHA, Anwar PANEZAI, Zsolt PONYA, Tariq ISMAIL
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.27323
  • Presence of indicator bacteria, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, and nontuberculous mycobacteria in oregano

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.27923
  • Physicochemical properties, sensory characteristics, and volatile compounds of Indonesian traditional drink (Sarabba)

    Adiansyah Syarifuddin, Nurul Azizah, Andi Dirpan
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.127222
  • Efficacy assessment of prebiotic enriched camel milk along with various prebiotic combinations against metabolic syndrome using animal model

    Iram ASHRAF, Sanaullah IQBAL, Waqas AHMED, Habib ur REHMAN
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.130322
  • Analysis of physicochemical components and antioxidants of four kinds of Guizhou honey

    Min LIU, Weixi DENG, Hongli ZHANG, Yihua WU, Lunxin WANG, Ying FAN
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.23023
  • Physicochemical profile, amino acid, and flavors of probiotic yogurt with the addition of nano ZnO food grade

    Irma Isnafia ARIEF, Zaenal ABIDIN, Zakiah WULANDARI, Cahyo BUDIMAN, Reza ADIYOGA, Elfa Aida KAMILA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.13123
  • Fatty acid profile of Greek yogurt with colostrum addition

    Rhaabe Dayane da Silva GOMES, Idiana de Macedo BARBOSA, Cláudio Vaz Di Mambro RIBEIRO, Katya ANAYA, Emerson Gabriel dos Santos Oliveira SILVA, Chiara Albano de Araujo OLIVEIRA, Marco Antonio Sundfeld da GAMA, Juliana Paula Felipe de OLIVEIRA, Danielle Cavalcanti SALE, Emmanuella de Oliveira Moura ARAÚJO, Adriano Henrique do Nascimento RANGEL
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.26023
  • Functional properties of Ganoderma lucidum extract: antimicrobial and antioxidant activities

    Mahdis Jamshidi TEHRANIAN, Mohammad JOUKI, Mohammad Javad SHAKOURI, Sara JAFARI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.21423
  • Preparation of Dendrobium officinale flower oligosaccharides and the value-added effects on three types of probiotics

    Zhenlin ZHANG, Xianxiang BAO, Ziwei LIU, Dandan HOU, Mengru WANG
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.15123
  • In-vitro-digestion of a controlled release material: composite aerated gel containing egg white protein

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.22723
  • Quality assessment of beef burgers packaged in active paper with cinnamon essential oil

    Laura Adriane de Moraes PINTO, Karina Favoreto NASCIMENTO, Melina Aparecida Plastina CARDOSO, Grasiele Scaramal MADRONA, Mônica Regina da Silva SCAPIM, Ana Carolina Pelaes VITAL, Ana GUERRERO, Ivanor Nunes do PRADO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.22823
  • Trypanorhynch cestode larvae parasitizing Hyporthodus niveatus (Valenciennes, 1828) (Actinopterygii) collected from fish markets in the municipality of Niterói, RJ, Brazil

    Priscila Queiroz Faria de Menezes, Michelle Cristie Gonçalves da Fonseca, Delir Corrêa Gomes, Eduardo José Lopes Torres, Sergio Carmona de São Clemente†, Marcelo Knoff
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.25523
  • Fitting of mathematical models in the drying of araticum (Annona crassiflora) seeds

    Iva Manoela Rocha ATAIDES, Daniel Emanuel CABRAL DE OLIVEIRA, Weder Nunes FERREIRA JUNIOR, Osvaldo RESENDE, Wellytton Darci QUEQUETO, Viviane Patrícia ROMANI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.26323
  • Study to determine the chemical constituents, antibacterial ability, and antioxidant activity of the red pepper (Piper Nigrum l.) essential oil in Gia Lai Province, Vietnam

    Nguyen Van LOI, Pham Thi BINH, Khong Thi THANH, Nguyen Thi Thanh NGOC
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.28723
  • Impact of galacto-oligosaccharides on prebiotic potential in the intestinal microbiota fermentation and health status in an animal model

    Amna Ashraf BAJWA, Sanaullah IQBAL, Muhammad SOHAIB, Muhammad NASIR, Aftab Ahmad ANJUM
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.88922
  • Influence of seasonality and gonad development on the nutritional quality and safety of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck 1818)

    Yuan HU, Chaosheng ZHOU, Jie ZHU, Aiyin KE, Huibin XU, Yinuo ZHENG, Jilin XU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.128022
  • Characterization of in vitro antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus helveticus DLBSA201 and DLBSA202 against Escherichia coli 0157:H7

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.129522
  • Article Evaluation of chemical and sensory composition of banana with cinnamon liqueur: effect of storage process

    Gicele Santos do NASCIMENTO, Gabriela Ramos BORGES, Camila SCHEID, Juliano GARAVAGLIA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.2623
  • Identification of foods in the breakfast and determination of nutritional facts using deep convolution neural networks

    Fatih TARLAK, Özgün YÜCEL
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.10323
  • Antioxidant activity of palm kernel meal protein hydrolysate and characterization of its peptide profile

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.18923
  • Factors influencing kombucha production: effects of tea composition, sugar, and SCOBY

    Bruna DARTORA, Voltaire SANT’ANNA, Lilian Raquel HICKERT, Mariana FENSTERSEIFER, Marco Antônio Zachia AYUB, Simone Hickmann FLÔRES, Karla Joseane PEREZ
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.8123
  • Association between coa gene and enterotoxin gene in S. aureus from dairy cattle in Brazil

    Mylena Karoline VALMORBIDA, Marita Vedovelli CARDOZO, Camila Chioda de ALMEIDA, Natália PEREIRA, Diogenes DEZEN, Marcella Zampoli de ASSIS, Newton Valério VERBISCK, Eliete GRIEBELER, Lucas José Luduverio PIZAURO, Fernando Antônio de ÁVILA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.16222
  • Whey block freeze concentration aiming a functional fermented lactic beverage with the addition of probiotic and guabiroba pulp (Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg), a native Brazilian fruit

    Amanda Alves PRESTES, Matheus Fermino SILVEIRA, Maria Helena Machado CANELLA, Cristiane Vieira HELM, Dayanne Regina Mendes ANDRADE, Ana Letícia Andrade FERREIRA, Renata Dias de Melo Castanho AMBONI, Isabela Maia Toaldo FEDRIGO, Eduard HERNÁNDEZ, Elane Schwinden PRUDENCIO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.26923
  • Passiflora edulis leaf extract inhibits inflammatory response and preserves intestinal barrier function in Caco-2 and RAW264.7 co-culture model

    Mônica Cristina Lopes do CARMO, Isabela Mateus MARTINS, Ana Elisa Ramos MAGALHÃES, Gabriela de Matuoka e CHIOCCHETTI, Mário Roberto MARÓSTICA JÚNIOR MARÓSTICA JÚNIOR, Juliana Alves MACEDO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.109422
  • LncRNAs 60248.51 and 9826.1 are identified as potential regulators of endometrial receptivity in Tibetan Northwest Cashmere goats

    Langda SUO, Yucheng WEI, Bin WANG, Ji DE, Cuoji AWANG, Cuomu RENQING, Jiuzeng CUI, Xiaorui LIU, Gui BA, Lei ZHANG
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.132222
  • Production of probiotic kvass beverages enriched with pine nut shell extract and propionic acid bacteria

    Andrey Germanovich KHANTURGAEV, Irina Sergeevna KHAMAGAEVA, Valentina Germanovna SHIRETOROVA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.26823
  • Evaluation of the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of ripening mandarins

    Isabela Rótoli MICARONI, Simone Daniela Sartorio de MEDEIROS, Evandro Henrique SCHINOR, Marta Regina VERRUMA-BERNARDI, Fernando Trevizan DEVITE, Thaís Lugli GONÇALES, Marinês BASTIANEL
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.16823
  • Chemical composition, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, and inhibitor alpha-glucosidase enzyme of Sargassum sp.

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.4623
  • Box–Behnken design to determine optimal fermentation conditions for apple-fortified mulberry wine using Saccharomyces bayanus

    Nguyen Minh THUY, Vo Quoc TIEN, Tran Ngoc GIAU, Hong Van HAO, Nguyen Van THANH, Nguyen Ngoc THANH, Ngo Van TAI, Pham Cam DANG, Vo Quang MINH
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00036
  • Characterization of the volatile compound profile of artisanal Minas cheese from different regions

    Adélia Ferreira DÁRGERE, Sandra Maria PINTO, Diogo Santos BATISTA, Laryssa Fernandes CORREIA, Joanna Oliveira MARÇAL, Lidiany Mendonça Zacaroni LIMA, Peter Bitencourt FARIA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.124222
  • Evaluation of natural extracts’ antioxidant capacity for controlling fresh sausage oxidation

    Ana Heloisa da Silveira Venzel Bottoli, Gabrielle Caroline Peiter, Paulo Rodrigo Stival Bittencourt, Clayton Antunes Martin, Solange Maria Cottica
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.124722
  • CO2 monitoring associated with the quality of soybean grains stored in different moisture contentes

    Diene Gonçalves SOUZA, Osvaldo RESENDE, Jacson ZUCHI, Paulo Victor Alcântara FERREIRA, Geraldo Acácio MABASSO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.29023
  • Comparison of trained panel and consumers’ methodologies to discriminate chocolate samples based on industry quality control parameters

    Paloma CEMIN, Bruna Klein Borges de MORAES, Voltaire SANT’ANNA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.21223
  • Effects of electron beam irradiation on microbial contamination and quality of Astragali Radix

    Meng Fu, Dan Wang, Gang Wang, Ming Huang, Yiweng Tang
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.129022
  • Actions of military veterinary medicine in a food defense context: a study under the perspective of the Brazilian Armed Forces based on American Armed Forces guidelines

    Maria Alice FUSCO, Vitor Luiz Farias de ABREU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.29123
  • Physicochemical and sensory analysis of Coalho Cheese supplemented with different concentrations of essential oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare)

    Layla Rodrigues BEZERRA, Carla Aparecida Soares SARAIVA, Dyalla Correia DUARTE, Mayle Silva SANTOS, Juliana Silva de OLIVEIRA, Severino Gonzaga NETO, Cleice Kelly dos Santos NASCIMENTO, José Lucas Coutinho BORGES, Ana Beatriz Azevedo de MEDEIROS, Neila Lidiany RIBEIRO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.0000128
  • Validation study of isoflavone derivatives and simultaneous analysis of Puerariae Flos

    Yu Jin KWAK, Ho-Young SEON, Yong-Dae KIM, Soon-Ho YIM
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00006
  • Juglans regia and Carya illinoinensis: safety, chemical composition, and preference

    Cristiana BASSO, Daiani LARA, Silvana Maria Michelin BERTAGNOLLI , Neila Silvia Pereira dos Santos RICHARDS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00034
  • BRS Vitória grapes with natural surfactant pretreatment: evaluation of mineral composition, physical-chemical characteristics, and sensory characteristics after raisin production

    Victoria Diniz SHIMIZU-MARIN, Francielli Brondani da SILVA, Mariana de Souza Leite GARCIA-SANTOS, Natália Soares JANZANTTI, Roberto da SILVA, Ellen Silva Lago LAGO-VANZELA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00023
  • Activity antioxidant and sensory profile of jelly candy with addition of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) extract powder

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.15023
  • Effect of the osmotic and adiabatic dehydration process on the nutritional composition of tomatoes

    Ana Carolina LORO, Angela de Fátima Kanesaki CORREIA, Marta Helena Fillet SPOTO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00030
  • The Chemical components and antifungal and anti-mycotoxigenic (aflatoxin b1 and fumonisin b1) activity of star anise (Illicium verum) essential oils in Yen Bai Province, Vietnam

    Nguyen Van LOI, Le Anh TUAN, Pham Thi BINH, Nguyen Thi Thanh NGOC
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00050
  • Consumers’ perception of the “Arte” seal in artisanal cheeses

    Isabelle Correa Rochebois CAMPELLO, Gustavo Luis de Paiva Anciens Ramos, Jonas Toledo GUIMARÃES, Denise Rosane Perdomo AZEREDO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00109
  • Physical, physicochemical, and functional technological properties of flour produced from gueroba fruit pulp

    Ana Paula Pereira JORGE, Daniel Emanuel Cabral de OLIVEIRA, Weder Nunes FERREIRA JUNIOR, Lígia Campos de Moura SILVA, Osvaldo RESENDE , Viviane Patrícia ROMANI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00033
  • Characterization of an eco-friendly active packaging film for food with ultraviolet light blocking ability

    Mi LI, Yunge ZHANG, Lewen LI, Yunfei XIE, Weirong YAO, Qingmin CHEN, Jian JU
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.16723
  • Antioxidant activity on protein hydrolysate peptide of mudskipper fish (Periophthalmodon schlosseri) using alcalase enzyme

    Rahman KARNILA, Edison DEWITA, Dessy YOSWATY, Dessy YOSWATY, Triatma PUTRI, Anastasia YUNUS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.122222
  • Physicochemical and sensory characterization of okara obtained by two different processes and the study of its use as breaded food

    Maximiliano KNIAZEV, Adriana GÁMBARO, Ignacio VIEITEZ
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.23523
  • The correlation between the antioxidant and anti-aging activities of Hydrangea serrata Seringe extract

    Seo-Hee Kim, Sang-Ouk Sun, Soon-Ho Yim
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00017
  • Biochemical compounds and structure evaluation of cocoa liquors from different origins and their derivative chocolates

    Vivian CHOW, Paulo Henrique SANTOS, Rosângela TORRES, Jorge MANCINI FILHO, Suzana LANNES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.24123
  • Correlation of antioxidant and radical scavenging activity in Hydrangea macrophylla L. extract from various cultivars

    Yoo-Min CHOI, So-Heon JEON, Mi-ra HER, Soon-Ho YIM
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00019
  • Establishment of simultaneous analysis validation for Perilla frutescens var. acuta extract

    So-Heon JEON, Hyo-Seung CHOI, Soon-Ho Yim
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00018
  • Identification, semi-quantification, and dynamics of volatile organic compounds during spontaneous fermentation of two cocoa varieties from northern Peru, using HS-SPME/GC-MS techniques

    Lorena Lizbeth CRUZ-ROJAS, Segundo Manuel OLIVA-CRUZ, Natalie Verónika RONDINEL-MENDOZA, León Faustino VILLEGAS-VILCHEZ, Aline Camila CAETANO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.0000072
  • Validation of the analysis method for marker compound ellagic acid of ethanol extracts of Sanguisorba officinalis L. using HPLC-DAD

    Soon-Ho YIM, Seok-Jun KANG, Ho-Young SEON, Na-Young BYUN
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00020
  • Analysis of polyphenols in millet and processing effects on antioxidant activity

    Liangyu LI, Yang LING, Tianfeng HE, Chaoyang LI, Rong-an CAO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.129722
  • Foodborne disease in Brazil from 2015 to 2021: an exploratory study

    Valtemir Paula de OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Narlla Nayane de Jesus MATTOS, Lorrayne Ferreira AMARO, Mariana Buranelo EGEA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00141
  • Modification and sensory evaluation of Turkish delight (lokum); supplemented with different levels of dried date powders

    Amani Alawi ALRASHEEDI, Asmahan Azhari ALI, Maha Ahmed HIJAZI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00107
  • Influence of the addition of strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) pulp on the content of bioactive compounds in kombuchas with yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis)

    Bruna Rafaela da Silva Monteiro WANDERLEY, Maria Eduarda Costa de LIMA, Amanda Kaiane da Silva OLIVEIRA, Giliani Veloso SARTORI, Marcos Roberto Dobler STROSCHEIN, Renata Dias Mello de Castanho AMBONI, Carlise Beddin FRITZEN-FREIRE, Ana Carolina Moura de Sena AQUINO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00063
  • Labeling of pickled vegetable products produced by agroindustries: compliance analysis based on the Brazilian legislation

    Priscila Endlich LOZER, Denes Kaic Alves ROSÁRIO, Jackline Freitas Brilhante de SÃO JOSÉ
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00053
  • Cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica) jams with paste and dough textures: physical, chemical, and antioxidant evaluation

    Monik Maryelle Moreira da SILVA, Vânia Maria ALVES, Katiúcia Alves AMORIM, Edson Pablo da SILVA, Clarissa DAMIANI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.0000038
  • High frequency of fraud in honey without sanitary inspection illegally sold in São Paulo State

    Ana Paula FLORENTINO, Caroline da Veiga LIMA, Giovana Galvão MORANDINI, Guilherme Cardoso da SILVA, Laura Meiken MORELLI, Lorena BATTISTIN, Maria Eduarda Borges PIVATO, Max Sândalo Ferreira da SILVA, Mayara Ferreira VIEIRA, Mayara de Sousa CANUTE, Miguel Sionti de Medeiros PAULINO, Pedro Caldeira de ARAUJO, Beatriz Rosa CRAVO, Victória Ribeiro SILVESTRE, Lucas Gabriel de Souza NECKEL, Otávio Augusto MARTINS, Aryele Nunes da Cruz Encide SAMPAIO, Fábio Sossai POSSEBON, Juliano Gonçalves PEREIRA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.0026723
  • Nutrients and bioactive compounds in wild fruits from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest

    Galdino PAULA FILHO, Clarice SOUZA, Ceres Della LUCIA, Helena SANT’ANA, Ricardo Henrique SANTOS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.17823
  • Study of the microstructure-property-processing relationship in five potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties during the frying process based on an automatic classification system using convolutional neural networks

    Jimy OBLITAS-CRUZ, Wilson CASTRO-SILUPU, Eduardo Torres-Carranza, Albert Ibarz-Ribas
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00155
  • Acerola (Malpighia emarginata) pulp: characterization and stability of anthocyanins under different conditions

    Josemar Gonçalves de OLIVEIRA FILHO, Elisangela Barbosa Borges ESTEVAM, Raiane Silva LEMES, Danielle Maria Fernandes do PRADO, Vanessa Paula da SILVA, Lilian dos Santos SILVA, Larissa Graziele Rauber DUARTE, Mariana Buranelo EGEA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.0000110

Review Articles

  • Microbial contamination in the ethanol and cachaça fermentation process: impacts and applications

    Amanda Cristina Dias de OLIVEIRA, Carlos Augusto Fernandes de OLIVEIRA, Eliana Setsuko KAMIMURA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.80422
  • A review of insecticidal effect of essential oils on stored grain pests

    Bruna Martinelli Leite , Felipe Alexsander Cunha, Bruno Gerfi Bertozzi , Liliana de Oliveira Rocha , Lorena Carnielli Queiroz
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.106022
  • Reduced fat-reduced sodium fermented meat products: a review of reformulation strategies

    João Marcos dos SANTOS, Elisa Rafaela Bonadio BELLUCCI, Larissa Tátero CARVALHO, Camila Vespúcio BIS-SOUZA, Jose Manuel LORENZO, Andrea Carla da SILVA-BARRETTO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.108322
  • A Review on The Improvement of Extruded Food Processing Equipment: Extrusion Cooking in Food Processing

    Yermek Abilmazhinov, Gulvira Bekeshova, Anton Nesterenko, Zhanna Dibrova, Vladimir Ermolaev, Evgeny Ponomarev, Valentina Vlasova
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.80621
  • Enhancing the quality of animal meat products by combining plant-based marinations and thermal processes: a treatise

    Charles Odilichukwu R. OKPALA, Mouandhe IMAMOU HASSANI, Małgorzata KORZENIOWSKA, Raquel Pinho Ferreira GUINÉ
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.126722
  • TCMQMS System: A digital twin and blockchain-based platform for tracing the whole process of Chinese medicine quality information

    Peiheng Han, Linan DUN, Ye Tian, Zhichun Li, Wenxu LI, Hetong YANG, Bohan WANG
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.122022
  • A Review of Qualitative Investigation of Food Safety Based on Good Governance

    Trias Mahmudiono, Hasan Shamel MAJED, Gunawan Widjaja , Rustem Adamovich SHICHIYAKH, Aan KOMARIAH, Ghulam YASIN, Acim Heri ISWANTO, Mustafa Mohammed KADHIM, Heba Qassim AL-REKABY, Krishanveer SINGH
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.03922
  • Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]: a critical review of its nutritional value and potential for food application

    Natali Alcântara BRANDÃO, Bruna Lago TAGLIAPIETRA, Maria Teresa Pedrosa Silva CLERICI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00118

Literature Review

  • Evolution of the technological, sensory, and nutritional quality of gluten-free cookies: a critical review

    Bruna Guedes de MELO, Bruna Lago TAGLIAPIETRA, Maria Teresa Pedrosa Silva CLERICI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.75822


  • Erratum

    Putri Dian WULANSARI, Widodo WIDODO, Sunarti SUNARTI, Nurliyani NURLIYANI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.127322ERRATUM