FREITAS, B.S.M. de, HAAS, I.C. da S., PEREIRA-COELHO, M., ALMEIDA, A.B. de, ALMEIDA, J. dos S.O. de, EGEA, M.B., SILVA, F.G. da, PETKOWICZ, C.L. de O., FRANCISCO, A. de, MADUREIRA, L.A. dos S., FREIRE, C.B.F. e AMBONI, R.D. de M.C. 2023. Cerrado cashew (Anacardium othonianum Rizz) apple pomace: chemical characterization and optimization of enzyme-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds . Food Science and Technology. 43, (jul. 2023). DOI:https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.90222.