Purchase and consumption habits for quinoa and amaranth in Brazil


  • Davi SCHMIDT Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Department of Agroindustrial Technology and Rural Socio-Economics, MSc Program in Agroecology and Rural Development, Center of Agricultural Sciences, Araras, São Paulo, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6027-8686
  • Maria Teresa Mendes Ribeiro BORGES Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Department of Agroindustrial Technology and Rural Socio-Economics, Center of Agricultural Sciences, Araras, São Paulo, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1115-3112
  • Victor Augusto FORTI Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Department of Agroindustrial Technology and Rural Socio-Economics, Center of Agricultural Sciences, Araras, São Paulo, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2599-3603
  • Anderson de Souza GALLO Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departament of Rural Development, Center of Agricultural Sciences, Araras, São Paulo, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8668-7514
  • Marta Regina VERRUMA-BERNARDI Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Department of Agroindustrial Technology and Rural Socio-Economics, Center of Agricultural Sciences, Araras, São Paulo, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1375-0938




amaranthus, Chenopodium quinoa, consumer profile, diet diversification, functional foods


A large amount of information about consumer profile can be obtained when consumption habits are observed. Thus, the aim of this work was to identify the profile of consumers and their consumption habits in relation to quinoa and amaranth in Brazil. Data were collected through an online questionnaire survey method, covering aspects such as consumer profile, knowledge and consumption of quinoa and amaranth, diet diversification, and packaging preferences. Within two months, 520 responses were obtained. Around 90% of participants knew quinoa and 43% knew amaranth. High nutritional quality and diet diversification were the main motivations for the consumption of these pseudocereals, and the purchase of these products in grains and in bulk were the most common forms of commercialization among participants. Despite quinoa being more widely consumed, it was concluded that most participants were interested in including amaranth in their diets. A broader dissemination of these foods could contribute to their inclusion in the diet of an increasing number of people.


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Como Citar

SCHMIDT, D., BORGES, M. T. M. R., FORTI, V. A., GALLO, A. de S., & VERRUMA-BERNARDI, M. R. (2024). Purchase and consumption habits for quinoa and amaranth in Brazil. Food Science and Technology, 44. https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00234



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